webriq cms system

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

WebriQ Releases New Features to enhance SEO operations, e-commerce functionality

WebriQ provides a content management system and dynamic portal engine that enables anyone to publish their own website, from a simple informative webpage to a complex multisite and multilingual E-commerce, community or news portal. The platform includes a state-of-the-art CSS Template creation and parser tool, capable of integrating any custom design in to the CMS platform. The entire platform is build on open source software and is made available to end-users through a monthly subscription mechanism.
WebriQ’s Switch2WebriQ partnership offers a genuine business solution for web designers, webmanagers, webmasters and webagencies. Partners receive a state-of-the-art service and highly competitive pricing to enhance their business efficiency. Switch2WebriQ partners receive substantial discounts from normal WebriQ package prices, as well as a free marketing portal for their business. Also, using WebriQ’s innovative template creator tool webdesigners can concentrate on designing, and use the CMS as the tool to add the functionality needed for the website. WebriQ is now announcing a unique certification opportunity for those who have CSS and HTML programming skills. You can go through a series of online tutorial exercises, then complete an exam and submit a template that if accepted will grant you a WebriQ Certification.

A few changes have been made on the Content Management System to enhance SEO operations, e-commerce functionality and some user administration tasks, among others.

The most important addition is the broader utilization of SEO options. It is now possible to set Meta tags and descriptions for individual blog posts, custom pages, articles, etc. This function can be reached from a newly added SEO settings tab on the content editing pane. This will enhance the search hits of the site and the individual pages as well.

Secondly, the internal search engine has been improved for more specific searches. Now there is a choice to search pages and articles, shop, audio and video, subsites, etc. Also, the engine will examine the descriptions for any matches.

Thirdly, a site owner can back-up its entire user list on a particular website into a password protected ZIP file and then upload it again if and when needed.

Also, a tracker that has been implemented into the newsletter section. The number of subscribers, the number of people who have unsubscribed and the number of users who have not subscribed to the newsletters are computed.

Last but not least, the functionality of the e-commerce module has been improved to cope with different shipping conditions. There is a choice of grams, kilograms, tons or pounds for weight based shipping prices as well as the already existing per item calculation.

To have an overview on the latest prices of WebriQ for the use of the CMS system and the hosting, please go to SERVICE PRICES

Two WebriQ commercial offers will remain on the market until the end of Q3 2010.
One special offer is the conversion of your PSD File into a WebriQ compatible HTML/CSS custom made template and the integration of that template into a fully contained online content management system for the price of USD 200.
Our second complex offer consists of
• a 2 year E-commerce service package
• 1 free domain registration
• 50 e-mail accounts
• and includes the conversion of your PSD file into WebriQ compatible HTML/CSS template.
All this for USD 400!

For more information, please contact us at feedback@webriq.com or visit www.webriq.com or www.webriq.net. For all partner inquiries on the S2W program, visit www.switch2webriq.com or www.switch2webriq.net.