webriq cms system

Monday, November 29, 2010

What’s new? in WebriQ web content management

    Designing for CMS-s

Today I come to you with one SEO update, and two E-commerce function enhancements, and I will share with you a great article on designing for CMS-s.
     SEO: page title
 We have added a new section to the SEO tab of each blog, article etc., called "Page title".
 This is very good news for your search engine ranking, and it also looks very cool that each blog entry has its own name shown on the header of the browser!
     E-commerce: design
We have updated the design for the default webshop. I think it looks much better than the previous version. If you don't have a custom design e-commerce site and want to activate the new view, all you need to do is download the Template Creation Kit and reinstall it.
     E-commerce: product category
Have you ever wanted to reorganize the categories of your products? Now it is as easy as creating a new menu item. Actually it works just the same as creating a new menu item. I love drag-and-drop!
Here is a very interesting article about designing for content management systems written on Smashing Magazine.
"Designing and indeed front-end development for a website that will have content edited by non-technical users poses some problems..."

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What’s new? in WebriQ ecommerce shopping cart

We are all back from a good Hallow's End. I hope you didn't miss our Facebook post about the history of Halloween. There sure were a few facts in the video about Halloween I did not know. Down to business! Not to brag, but our already amazing e-commerce function just got even better; I will tell you how. I will also show you a great article with 5 tips on international marketing.
     Catalog, Request a quote

Do you propose different prices individually to your customers? Now you can enable your customers to request a price quote for individual or multiple items from your catalog or webshop. I just wish we would have thought of this before! It is so simple and straightforward, yet extremely useful.
    5 International Online Marketing Tips
Many companies have taken on the challenge of going international with the help of online tools. Some well prepared have easily conquered the cultural differences, but some have fallen to this feat. Just as a reminder, so we don't forget the tricks-of-the-trade here are five very well written tips on what to watch out for when marketing on an international level! Click the Mashable logo to read the article!
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